Monday, December 20, 2010

3 Months Old!

Our sweet blessing is 3 months old today. I was reflecting over the past 3 months and realized God has taught me A LOT! I'd say the #1 thing I've learned is to chill out and enjoy "right now." Marcus is growing and changing so fast, I just love where we are, at the present. So much of my life, I've been the "hurry up and get there" girl, and once I'm "there," I'm in a hurry to finish up and get somewhere else. It's ridiculous, I know, but with this precious little boy, I'm enjoying each moment. I even found joy in consoling him last night, even though dog tired, because he smiled at me and gave a little coo before we each went back to our own beds. If all babies are as chilled out and easy as him, you might as well call us the Duggars (they have 19 kids for those non-TLC followers out there). I've also learned to have so much more patience and how to rely more on our Heavenly Father when scared, unsure, or concerned about something. His WORD gives great comfort in the midst of a storm or in calm waters. I catch myself comparing Marcus' progress with that of other babies near his age and when reading God's Word, listening to Christian radio, or discussing theology with Mark, I'm quickly brought back to center, realizing how foolish that is and how we're all created differently, yet still in HIS image. It's a wonderful thing to have a Godly mate to help keep me grounded, yet encourage me in all my endeavors. Sometimes, as a stay-at-home mom, Satan tries to creep in and make me feel like I could be making more of a difference in the lives of others if I still were a teacher. But in our family, Mark and I both agree that Marcus is our blessing and responsibility, so we love being able to be parents. Like right now, for instance, Mark has Marcus in the bathroom, standing up on the sink, looking at himself. I can hear him saying, "that's you!" and know that look that Marcus has when he sees himself. It's like, "well, hello handsome man!" It's little moments like this that we relish in, give thanks, and rejoice.

If we don't buckle Marcus into his chair, he can slide out and his feet hang over the edge. Sometimes, he kicks the buttons and turns on the vibrations or music on his own.

One day this week, my new mother's devotion talked about how so many moms are always kissing their children's little feet (and obviously I do that a ton) but how every time we kiss them, we should pray about where those little feet take him in life.

Yesterday my sister and Dad came into town just for the day to see Marcus. He turned on the charm, talked, and smiled to them all through the day. My dad even changed a poopy diaper (one of THREE on the day).

Grandad decided to join Marcus during Tummy Time.

Marcus' latest trick is standing, obviously while we hold him, but he really pushes with his legs and works hard to hold his head up and balance himself.

Even though we give him a pacifier from time to time, Marcus still enjoys chewing and slobbering all over his fists. It's a cute, yet messy, wet habit.

1 comment:

  1. You now have a new "stalker" on your blogspot! Thanks for letting me vicariously have a grandbaby. He is so precious and truly a gift from our Lord! Love to you all!
