Saturday, October 27, 2012

2 year old photo shoot

     A few weeks ago, we took Marcus to the Botanical Gardens at UNCA to have his 2 year old pictures taken.  We were more than pleased with the outcome and hope you enjoy them, too. :)

My two loves

Our boy - doing the chop!

Showing off his Blue Jays pride. :)

This one's for Grandpa

Yes, that's his CFL football

My favorite picture out of them all.

Our sweet family of three (at least for a little while longer)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Marcus' First Trip to the Dentist (and Mark's, too)

     This week we took Marcus to the dentist for the first time.  It was virtually Mark's first time as well since he hasn't been there since probably 2000.  Needless to say, it was time.  I went first the model for both my boys how it's not a bad thing.  Then Marcus sat in my lap and was fine until we went backwards.  He screamed his ever-loving face off.  Ultimately, we just want him to get used to going, so it wasn't like they were going to do dental work on him.  We ended up just having the dentist check his teeth to count them, see how they were coming in, and if there were any fluoride deficiencies.   Marcus cried the whole way through, but literally it was over in a matter of seconds.  After Marcus, Mark put on his brave pants and had his turn as well.  And guess what?  He survived, too!  I'm so thankful that we have a sweet dentist and that all three of us went and had our teeth cleaned out.
     And since that wasn't very adventurous for some of you, I attached a funny video of Marcus "singing" yesterday while playing with play-doh.  He was saying "Hallelujah" and when I asked him about it, you'll hear him say, "I sing wowd (loud)."  Enjoy!
Cuddling with Daddy before going to his own bed.

Daddy was tired after a long day.

Watching Daddy get his teeth cleaned.

Sweet grin

Dr. Reinhart, Marcus, and Daddy - all smiles!

The "Hallelujah" Song

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall is Fun in Asheville

     Today was a BUSY day to say the least, but it ended on a super fun note.  Marcus and I went to pick Matthew up from pre-school around 5pm and went straight to the Corn Maze.  I took Marcus last year and again this year, it was amazing.  Both the boys had fun together and I had fun watching them.  Here's our story in pictures:

We started off riding the "cow train" pulled by a big tractor.

Marcus sat in my lap and absolutely loved it.

Matthew enjoyed going through the corn maze on our tour.

After the ride, they had to sit still and pose for me to take their pictures.  Such cute little pumpkins!

Next, we took a turn on the Hay Ride. 

The corn box was a big hit with these two boys.

They had a little corn-throwing fight.

Then we buried Matthew.

Being silly at another photo opp.

Sweet friends

Matthew going through the hay maze for smaller kids.

Marcus liked following him all around the maze.

Marcus was such a BIG BOY and went down by himself!

These slides were FAST!

Matthew held Marcus' hand and helped him back up the hill each time.  So precious!

I know it's fuzzy, but I thought it was so cute how they went down together!

Matthew shooting the corn cannon.  Marcus didn't like it because it was too loud and scared him.

Scarecrow Matthew

Scarecrow Marcus

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Lot Going On

     This week, between work, church, and within our home, we had a LOT going on.  All good stuff, but it keeps us busy nonetheless.  I've been working on a women's banquet at church, trying to keep the nursery stocked with both food and workers, I still take Matthew to school, and on top of all that I try to maintain a clean home with daily meals.  Oh, did I mention that I'm a full time wife and mom??? :) 
     Mark is busy with work (always) but he's our Sunday School director and had to present a report at our last business meeting as well as propose new changes to the Sunday School teachers.  He also plays church volleyball twice a week and we both still help serve on Tuesday nights at Kids Kitchen.  He, too, is a full time husband and father. :)
     In the midst of all this busy-ness, we really try to make time for playing with, teaching, and interacting with Marcus as much as possible.  Our number one priority is teaching him about Jesus, so you can't teach someone if you're not there.  He's been memorizing scripture, listening to Christ-centered music (he asks for "The Holy Name Song" AT LEAST 10 times a day), and we read the Bible to him.  This doesn't equate to him being a Christian when he grows up.  That'll have to be his choice.  But we do hope and pray that he makes that decision at a very early age. 
     Nonetheless, we're still having a ball with him.  He makes us laugh CONSTANTLY with his funny faces, silly voices, and how he can crawl in and out of his crib.  He's still strong-willed and aggressive, but has a sweet, compassionate side when it comes to babies that are smaller than him.  He likes to kiss their feet!  He's well-rounded to us, but we're partial. I bet you are a little, too.

Marcus with some of his buddies at church.  L-R: Adam, Jackson, Marcus, Matthew, Mariclaire, and Lily (hidden).

He wouldn't smile, but I thought he looked SO CUTE in this outfit.

Playing with Play-Doh that the Hausers gave him for his birthday.  It's a new favorite around here.

Reading books in his "Special Spot" behind the couch with Isabella.

Playing Peek-A-Boo with Matthew is...

hilarious to Marcus. :)

Granddad came to visit and booooy did they play a lot.

All Marcus' grandfathers like to push him high.

Trying on his new hiking boots from Granddad and Granny.

Getting pointers from another baseball great.

Our PRECIOUS big boy, all ready to go play ball outside.

Using his dump truck to play in the mulch.

Don't forget the digger (Thanks, Aunt Liv!)

Happiest outside.

Back in the puddle

The leaves are JUST starting to change here.  (Can you find Marcus?)

It was a PERFECT day for a snack on the porch (especially since the wind knocked the power out).

Mark and I both thought the other one was watching Marcus after his shower.  Little did we know he put on his boots himself and walked down to the swing set - NAKED!

Must not've been that cold because he didn't seem to mind it!