Monday, March 12, 2012

Our little boy is growing up

     Marcus Paul is definitely growing up and sometimes it makes us so proud!  Other times, we get sad because he's not our "little baby" anymore."  Yesterday, after church Mark was feeding him yogurt and they literally were having a conversation together.  When he was all finished, Marcus said, "all done" and got down.  Mark said, "when did you grow up so fast?"
     I would guess that he has close to 50 words, that are understandable by others, in his vocabulary.  Obviously, Mark and I understand his jibberish, most of the time, but when other people do, you know it's getting better.  The nursery worker at church told us that he said, "diaper" to her so she said, "do you need a new diaper?" and he said, "huh huh."  That's his version of yes or "uh huh."  She got a diaper, took him into the changing room and he reached for her to pick him up.  Sometimes he just AMAZES us!
     And one more quick story is about him and sirens.  He has a new infatuation with fire trucks and police cars, which he calls, "ca-cars," for cop cars.  Oh, and I'd better not forget his new favorite diggers and bulldozers.  He will say, "dee-dee" for digger and "doo-dooz-der" for bulldozer.  Anyhow, when we see a fire truck, he will make the most high pitched siren sound you've ever heard.  It's so cute!
     Alrighty, enough stories for now.  Enjoy some of the latest pictures. :)
Enjoying his "new" toys.

"Where'd it go?"


I just like this because he has such a sweet profile. 

We had a playdate last Friday and he enjoyed all the new toys at their house.

Almost daily, he likes to "tir poons" or in English, "stir spoons."

Don't ask why, but he just loves doing this!

He's now starting to put his face into the water.

He LOVED watching Mark chip branches outside of our Charlotte home.

When they were done in the front, he dug in the mulch for a while.

Since this place is empty, he had TONS of space to ride his car.

He absolutely adored the rabbits next door and playing with sticks (or "ticks" as he called them).

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