It's hard to believe that our sweet boy will be two years old in a month. So many of those cliche sayings you heard as a child become real when you become a parent. Things like, "time flies," and "wait until you have children" play over in my head daily. I think back to when I was a child and the memories my parents made with me. Now I'm on the other side, with my sweet husband, and we are blessed to have a child of our own. The tables are now turned and instead of being the one receiving the fun times, I'm the one making the fun memories for our boy.
Every day is different with sweet Marcus Paul and his ability never ceases to amaze us. He speaks in full sentences, carries on regular conversations, and is a real, genuine little man. If there was ever a boy with an extra dose of testosterone, Marcus is him. He continues to love baseball, trucks of all shape and size, and being rough with everything. He is a destroyer of many things, player of all games, and a lover of most all people he meets.
Currently, we're working daily on potty training. Some days he pees EVERY TIME in the potty, while others (like today) he's been too busy having fun to take the time and go pee. He's quite the little parrot as he repeats every word he hears (whether that's out of our mouths, tv, radio, etc). He even knows the words to the whole song, "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman. We LITERALLY listen to it a minimum of ten times a day. He'll say, "I wanna wissen to da Hoe-wee Name song, Mommy." Here's the link if you want to listen yourself as we praise the Lord together:
For whatever reason, it's taken me a while to get back on a regular schedule and pace since returning from Canada. Either way, we're back now and I'll try my best to blog once a week (if not more). Thanks for following and enjoy the most recent pics of Marcus Paul. (**NOTE** He's naked or semi-unclothed in many of these pictures due to the potty training and excellent weather. Consider yourself warned).
Helping Daddy take out the trash. No clothes, but at least he wore his boots. |
We're continuing to work on trying new textures and eating new foods. |
Daddy pushing Marcus and Matthew at church. |
Marcus got a visit from Granddad last week. |
Marcus enjoys hiding under the covers in our bed nowadays. |
Playing with a bus from one grandma on the rug from another grandma. |
He LOVES painting nowadays. |
Marcus made his own "reading nook" behind the couch. |
A friend from church's child outgrew this workbench and Marcus has enjoyed the hand-me-down. |
Another friend from church had given him tools, so he is all set now! |
Today our, "Moms in Prayer" group met and as always, a great time was had by all. |
Marcus and Dane - 2 years apart, very similar in some ways |
Marcus' other buddy is Jackson. He's so sweet with him! |
In this picture, Marcus and Dane were time-out buddies. They kept throwing toys off the front porch after being told not to. Stinkers! |