Saturday, July 2, 2011

VBS Kicked Our Butts...but man, it was fun!

     Last Sunday night was the first night of our church's Vacation Bible School.  It was from 6:00-8:30 nightly, through Thursday.  Marcus usually goes to bed between 7:30-8, so obviously this wasn't the easiest with him, but we did it anyhow.  He actually only got fussy one night since there was so much to look at at do while there.  He LOVES the other children and his VBS teachers, so it worked out well.
     Mark and I taught the Bible Blast story each night and it was super fun.  Some of the pictures are below of us and the children.  We had K-6th grades (2 years old through pre-k were taught in a different area) and they got to experience a different Bible story every night.  It was a really enjoyable time and, as always, it helped US remember Bible stories, just like it did for the children.
    In other news, we're making a movie over here.  It's a comedy/drama.  Just kidding, but sometimes we feel like it.  Mark's right wrist has this crazy inflammation/infection thing going on.  He NEVER complains about pain, but this has kept him up many nights this week.  So he finally went back to the doctor yesterday and had to get prednisone (a high powered steroid) to help with his pain.  Yesterday hew was in the most pain so far, but that was just in time for Marcus to get a throwing-up stomach bug.  Our sweet little man threw up 6 times in 2 hours.  It's NEVER easy to watch that.  He threw up on me twice, and by the 2nd time, I just cried tears of pain for our little boy as he whined to get it all out.  Luckily, we think it's gone from his system now because he slept through the night.  He woke up hungry at 6 and I fed him, but put him back down and he slept until 8:30.  He's been a little slower than normal this morning, but still smiles, laughs, and crawls where ever I go.  The final part to our drama/comedy concludes with Mark having a flat tire on his truck again this morning. It's just comical at this point for us, but we're thankful that everyone is feeling better and that in the big picture, this is very minor.
     In all things, God is GOOD and we praise His name for another beautiful morning here in the mountains of Western North Carolina.  

Aren't these the sweetest little children you've ever seen?

I bet you didn't know Mark was a firefighter, did ya?

Here I was teaching about Elijah calling God to light the wet alter on fire.

In this picture, the child in the blue shirt was saying, "JESUS!"

Mark teaching about Jonah and the whale
Standing up is the new craze around here.

Crawling to come get me.

Such a boy!

Had to get on his tippy-toes to reach that book.

He was so busy reading The Word that I had to say, "Doggie!" to get his attention.

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