Monday, September 26, 2011

12 month stats

     Today, as I was putting Marcus' baby book away, I realized I hadn't yet blogged about our doctor's visit last week.  We went the day after his birthday to see Dr. Love.  The nurse measured and weighed Marcus, then a few minutes later the doctor came in.  As he said hello to us, he said, "wow, you have a big baby!"  Marcus weighed in at 23 pounds and 12 ounces which put him between the 50th and 75th percentile with other 12 month olds.  He was 32 3/4 inches tall and his head was 48.3cm around (90-95th percentile - big head like his mama).  So back to his height.  Being this tall put him in the 105-110th percentile.  In other words, he's OFF THE CHARTS in height.  No surprise to you, I'm sure, but still, it was funny to hear. 
     He currently wears 18 month clothes but we're finding that they're too big in the waist if they're long enough for him.  So what's the solution?  Overalls!  Yes, he's worn them twice this week already and just looks so stinkin' cute in them!  He's between a size 4 and size 5 shoe and should be in size 4 diapers but I'm determined to finish out this box of 3's before he can move up. :)
     He had his last bottle of formula this Sunday morning and we decided to cut the bottle off all together.  He hasn't seemed to miss it, but definitely needs to be fed enough so he doesn't fuss.  Today he ate a WHOLE sandwich for lunch.  I just thought I'd split it with him, but no.  Before I had my half finished, he was banging on his high chair for more.  He signed, "more," then banged on the chair.  This continued until he had more food.  He still eats plenty of fruits and vegetables and now has a special love for peanut butter on whole wheat bagels.  This is his new favorite snack.  We've started giving him some juice and we're TRYING to get him to drink whole milk but he's refusing.  Every time we try it, he either spits it out, swats it away, or refuses by turning his head.  We're continuing to try, but we'll see how this goes.
     He loves books more than ever and still loves throwing anything he can get his hands on (including his food when he's full).  Many people have made mention of how far he can chuck items, so we'll see if he follows in his daddy's footsteps or not.  He loves cars and tractors, swinging, and exploring all together.  He's learned how to get off the bed by himself (and land on his feet) as well as go up and down stairs with ease.  Don't worry, we are always still right there with him.  He's climbing in and on everything and still, thankfully, loves a good bath or shower.
     I know it's no surprise here, but we still love this baby boy and that will NEVER stop.  We're grateful that the Lord has blessed us with a child like Marcus and pray that we're the type of parents that make him want to serve Jesus and ask questions about how to be more like Him.  We pray that Jesus' light shines through us and Marcus can grow up seeing what a wonderful life it is, when devoted to the One who created us all.

Isabella (17 months old) came and played with us last week.

Enjoying the lesson in Puggles (Wednesday night church).

This morning, as soon as he woke up, he said, "Ball?"
Our sweet-smiling one year old.

In this picture, you can actually see his top teeth.  He has a total of 6 teeth now.

Climbing up the stairs in his camo booties.

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