Here is a list of our favorite top ten Marcus-isms. They're much cuter in person, but I'll do my best to spell out how it sounds when he does it himself.
10) ah-gay-ur = aligator
9) chock-it = chocolate (as in chocolate milk or a chocolate chip that he gets if he pees in the potty)
8) Mat-too = Matthew (the name of the little boy we take to daycare each day)
7) Baby Wissa = Baby Alyssa (his first cousin)
6) Ash-ee Ty-sun = Ashley & Tyson (a mom who keeps childcare at the gym & her son, Tyson, who's one year older than Marcus. They're big buddies)
5) beeeeeeeeeg DIG-guuuuur = big digger (he can spot these things a mile away)
4) ha-yah-you-yah = halelujah
3) Mommy tiss it = Mommy kiss it (when he has an owie or boo-boo)
2) Mommy hode jew! = He's saying Mommy hold you, but he means hold ME (he typically says this one when he's in trouble & he's working on my soft side)
And the #1 favorite thing Marcus is saying right now that cracks me up every time he says it is!!!.....
1) see-you-a-ur = see you later! (seriously, it's waaaay cuter in person)
This child is alll about baseball. Pajamas, hat, bat, ball, glove, Braves. He LOVES baseball (it's not just us making him- he asks for it). |
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