The third picture! I loved them all, but most of you said that you liked this picture best to be our header, so here it is! I played around with the blog a little bit, too, changing the background colors and fonts. We'll see if it sticks. Marcus was just napping so I had an extra second to change it, as well as the photo.
In other news, Marcus saw all THREE sets of grandparents this week. Mark's parents were in town from Tuesday to Saturday, we saw our dear friends Matt & Mary Clark Hauser on Friday, then all five of us (Mark, myself, Marcus, and Mark's parents) went to Mt. Airy to see my mom & John, then up on the mountain to see my dad and Sonya. We even got to see his great-grandmother and hang out with Uncle TJ and Aunt Liv some on Saturday. Poor Marcus was wallowed to death by all his relatives, but I'm sure he loved it (and I know they did!). Below are the pictures from our time together with loved ones.
Finally, Marcus will be SIX MONTHS OLD on Friday. I've become such a sap since being a mama because that just brings me to tears to think of how quickly it's gone by. My fear is that the rest of his life will go by just as quickly, so I'd better act now and play a major role. But back to the crying thing, my sister was laughing at me this weekend because I teared up, thinking of what Marcus would be and do when he grows up. Her time will come one day and I'll get to make fun of her when she cries over little things concerning her baby as well. Naa...I probably won't. I'll probably just join in and cry with her, sweet tears of gratefulness that we have children at all. (*Note* My sister is NOT, repeat NOT pregnant. Do not go ask her and tell her I said she was. She might have a heart attack. I'm just speaking about WHEN she and TJ have kids. Ka-peesh?)
I'll take my regular monthly pictures on Friday of him and then when we go to his doctor's appointment on Monday, I'll post the results. Just to give you a head's up though, he's wearing 9-12 month clothes (mostly due to his length and feet size...they're huge!) and he weighs 18 pounds. And if one more person calls this child fat, I think we might have a, "Come to Jesus" meeting. For those of you who aren't familiar with that phrase, just hollar at me and I'll explain it. :)
Papa John and Grandma were cracking him up, as usual. |
Sweet smile. |
Here's Marcus in between his two grandmas. |
Daddy, Grandad, Marcus, and Grandpa. What a good lookin' bunch of men! |
Mark took his dad on a 4-wheeler ride to see the tree stand where he hunts every Thanksgiving. |
Here's the whole gang, right before they left to drive back to Canada. You can even see Marcus smiling through his paci. |
Aunt Liv held and played with Marcus as Grandmother looked on. |
A nursing home doesn't have much for children, but this fake fish tank kept his attention for a while. |
In honor of his granny's 40th birthday, all of us wore black...even Marcus. |
Do you think she ever thought she'd be a granny at age 40? |
Here we are, back at home, playing in his walker. His feet BARELY touch the bottom now, so he'll be moving in no time. |
Channing gets the fat comments too...REALLY??? what are people thinking? He just turned 5 months & is 18pounds ;)...HEALTHY is my term for it. Lacking nothing! right? Love seeing sweet Marcus grow! So precious!
ReplyDeleteHe is precious! give 'em "what for" when they say anything about his weight! We had the same issues with Isaac...luckily the Dr's always said he was fine, he was just going to be a BIG BOY...he started out that way and stayed that way. I think he was around 19 lbs at 6 months. Now he just turned two and he's 36 lbs/36.5 in...still on track to be a big boy!
ReplyDeleteThanks for clarifying :) As always, good to see yall this weekend!