Thursday, April 19, 2012

The things our 19 month old is up to

     Yesterday, Marcus turned 19 months old.  I thought I'd take a moment to write down some of his recent behaviors and quirks.  To begin with, I'm repeating something I've written in past posts.  This child is HILARIOUS!  He knows how to make Mark and I laugh all the time.  Last night, we were getting ready for bed and Mark was holding him sideways, like a baby, telling him to calm down, that it was time for bed.  Marcus said, "naaawww," in such a funny voice and then started to giggle.  It totally broke our seriousness and we all started to laugh. He's fighting us when it's time to go to bed, more and more, but once we get him in his room, lights out, humidifier on, and we start to pray, he calms down.  We put him in bed still awake and can hear him playing and talking to himself for the next few minutes.  Last night, he sang and made noise for thirty minutes after putting him down.  They are glorious sounds to our ears.
     In other news, Marcus is a VERY verbal child.  It surprises me sometimes, how much he says.  It seems like just last week, he started speaking in sentences.  He can repeat, or attempt to repeat, any word we say or tell him to say.  This morning, I was taking the diaper genie outside and he kept saying, "I heck! I heck!" and it took me a minute, then I said, "you want to help?"  That was it!  He wanted to be a big boy and help his mommy.  Let's hope this pattern of helping continues as he gets older. ;)
     Also this morning, we were sitting on the floor, and again, I was holding him like a baby, swaying from side to side.  I said, "I'm rocking my baby."  When I stopped swaying he said, "rock baby, rock."  I couldn't help but laugh because he was telling me he wanted me to love on him more.  No problem, son.  I cherish these sweet times with you.
     Marcus isn't your typical toddler in some others, he fits right in.  For example, he doesn't watch much tv.  The most tv he gets in a day is the start of the Braves game before we put him to bed.  He rarely is given the opportunity to sit and watch cartoons or a kid show, not because they're all bad, but because we'd rather him be active and able to entertain himself.  So far, he can DEFINITELY entertain himself.  He can play with cars for hours and it's ADORABLE to hear his car sounds.  He knows where ever digger, skid steer, dump truck, and tractor is between church and our home.  He even sees them sometimes when I don't.
     He's your typical toddler when he shows his ability to do his lung exercises (aka - tantrums) and be strong willed.  Here lately, he's been semi-picky when it comes to food, but unfortunately, he gets that honest.  He loves books and building towers and is a good boy when around other children.  Well, for the most part.  Last night at church, Mrs. Susan let him bring a HUGE beach ball into the nursery.  His little eyes were so bright and proud at his new treasure.  That is...until he had to share with the other children.  We tried many times showing him how everyone would take turns, but he just ended up screaming and crying unless he was holding it.  Long story short...we're still working on the whole sharing thing. :)
     Finally, Marcus is moving out of the mama's boy phase and is almost in full-blown daddy's boy mode.  He waits by the window in the afternoons to see when daddy's coming home, and when he sees his white truck crest the hill, the child comes unglued.  I open the front door and he RUNS out onto the porch screaming, "DADA! DADA!"  Once Mark comes in and puts all his stuff down, playtime is ON!  They chase (Marcus said, "I chase!" for chase me), play on the bed, throw a ball, and the list goes on and on.  He ADORES his daddy, but hey, what's not to adore?

He's just learning to use silverware.

"Helping" Mommy do laundry.

Love those sweet blue eyes.

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