Tuesday, January 18, 2011

4 Months Old!

     Marcus is 4 months old today!  He shares this, "birthday" with Uncle TJ who's turning 26 today.  I'm sure TJ is much farther along in his rolling over skills, but that's Marcus' newest goal that he seems to be working on.  He rolled over again last night from his belly to his back but has yet to get from his back to his belly, although he's trying so hard.  I was in the floor trying to help him last night and I thought, "do I really want him to roll over yet?"  Mark and I both talked about how we'll just let him learn as he grows and not push too hard because he'll be into EVERYTHING before we know it.  I'm sure that once he gets mobile, it's time for me to put my game face on. 
     Marcus is continuing to drool all over everything and put his hands (and anything that he's holding) into his mouth.  You'll see in the pictures below that he was trying to eat the sign today.  He has teether toys and when he gets just a little bit older and eats some baby food type solids, I can pull out this cool new contraption called the Baby Safe Feeder.  You put a piece of fruit (usually frozen but it doesn't have to be) into a little mesh basket and it clicks into a ring type of holder.  It looks like a lollipop but babies can gnaw on it, get the juice out, and very teeny tiny pieces of fruit that they are able to swallow.  It's good for nutrition and teething help.  He has a doctor's appointment Thursday, so I'll ask when it would be a good time to introduce that.  I also plan on asking when we should introduce rice cereal or other liquids (like juice) to Marcus.  Again, I'm not trying to push him along too quickly, but I do want to make sure that we're doing all that we can, as the parents, to ensure the best growth and maturation as possible.
     We'll post again on Saturday and fill you in on what Dr. Love said (insert the band KISS' song, "Dr. Love" here - then raise your hand in the air and start banging your head like a rocker).  I'm curious, how many of you got that last part....


  1. I know you are loving that little fella growing just as much as I am loving Channing growing, but man how I wish I could slow it down sometimes. It's FLYING by! I see your dad sometimes when I look at Marcus' pictures. That Marcus is a cutie!

  2. I always told Leah what a smart young woman Pepper was in high school. I was right.
