Isn't God amazing? I mean, think about it. We were created in HIS image! WE LOOK LIKE OUR DADDY! I hope that our daily lives make Him smile because I was and still am so thankful for this life He's allowing me to live. I know it's so cliche to say, "enjoy every second" because it's hard to enjoy being pooped on (literally...while I was changing his diaper) or when he's wailing his face off, but we should definitely TRY to enjoy these moments because these babies aren't getting younger! They're growing up way too fast. Mark and I finally understand what our parents have meant all these years when they've said that.
Take this morning, for example. Marcus woke up around 5:30 crying (which he's been doing for the past 2 weeks for some reason). I tried to soothe him with a pacifier but right when I got back in bed he made it LOUD and clear...that's not gonna cut it. So I went back in there, picked him up, and rocked our sweet baby boy. His one arm kept flailing around as he calmed down, so I just held his little hand and kept rocking. Even though it was 5:30am and I was half awake, it was the sweetest moment. I loved it. I wanted to sing praises to God, but thought that might wake him up more, vs putting him back to sleep. I started praying for the other mamas who were up with their babies.
I find myself constantly praying for 3 mamas ALL THE TIME and then there's a long list of other mamas that I pray for throughout the day. One friend, Melissa, had little Oliver 4 weeks before Marcus, another friend Pepper had sweet Channing 4 weeks after Marcus, and our dear friends Aaron and Erin Creasman just had a precious baby girl named Adelyn almost 2 weeks ago. I feel like these ladies are going through what I'm going through on a daily basis since our children are so close in age. They get to experience the same sweet blessings (and struggles) that I do week by week (notice I said, "get to," not "have to"). We can rely on each other and ask questions like, "Did your baby do this...?" or give encouragement like, "Girl, it'll get better." I appreciate how God gives encouragement through fellow believers and in other ways like HIS WORD.
Yesterday, Marcus and I visited Erin and Adelyn and has just the sweetest time there. In the pictures you'll see below, he was smitten on her...Adelyn wasn't so excited about Marcus. :) That may change over time, though. Don't worry, we're not pushing it. He can't date until he's 20 anyway.
Finally, Marcus is really working HARD to roll over on his own. When placed on his back, he can curl up on his side (usually his left) and work his hips over. He just struggles with what to do with his left arm. This morning, I put him on his side and he flipped right over to his belly, without me pulling his arm up! So he's moving right along. Below, you'll see a few pictures I took while he was working it out.
Here's Erin & I with our sweet babies. |
"There, there, baby girl. I'll protect you." |
Marcus: Almost 16 pounds. Adelyn: Almost 8 pounds. |
"Chicks dig the athletes." |
"Hey Mama. This is easy." |
First he arches his back. |
Then he swings his hips over. |
Then he tries to lick the quilt...I mean keep rolling. |
And he's officially stuck and making some suffocating sounds. Once I pull his left arm up, he flips right over. |
Grandad Bolen
ReplyDeleteI just love the athelete picture. I love them all but that is my favorite.
LOVE IT! Thank you for praying for us! I'm certain those prayers make a huge difference in our lives. I pray for you too friend & though we don't get to visit with one another like we would love to, I'm so grateful for you & your friendship. LOVE those pics of SWEET Marcus. Such a smiley boy!