Saturday, January 22, 2011


"Ponder the path of your feet;
then all your ways will be sure.
Do not swerve to the right or to the left.
Turn your feet from evil."

~Proverbs 4:26 & 27~

     Mark and I have heard this verse for over a year now, but it all began with James MacDonald.  He preached a sermon about really THINKING and PONDERING about what you're doing and where you're going.  As I daily kiss Marcus' little feet, I recite this verse to him.  "Think about what you're doing son.  Keep these feet far away from from it."  Obviously, I pray that God will protect him from evil, but Marcus has the free will to make his own decisions.  So then my prayer becomes, "Lord, make Mark and I parents that direct him down the right paths and show us how to be the ones that lead the way." Who knew that something so cute as little FEET could make me go into all these thoughts and meditations with Jesus.  He's creative, huh?
     Back to feet, Marcus is now infatuated with his own.  In the mornings, when I change his diaper and clothes, he sometimes lays for 10 minutes at a time on the changing table just playing and adoring his own feet.  He can't yet put them in his mouth, but he sometimes grabs them.  He will flex and curl his toes, clap his feet together, and stretch his legs as far up in the air as he can.  It's so entertaining for me.  I even videoed it the other morning because I didn't want to "interrupt" him to put his clothes on yet.  I'll post that video sometime. 
     In other news, we had his 4 month doctor's appointment on Thursday afternoon and everything looks great.  I had tried measuring him myself the other day and thought he was between 28 and 29 inches long.  When I looked on my baby growth charts he was THROUGH THE ROOF, so I was slightly relieved when the nurse said he was 27 1/4 inches long.  He's still above the 97th percentile, but at least he's not a GIANT baby. He weighed 16 pounds and 8 1/2 ounces and that was the 75th percentile.  That too was a relief because he's chunking out a bit and I wanted to make sure I wasn't feeding him too much, etc.  As a mom, you worry about the dumbest stuff.  Since Marcus was just in his diaper, he was happily cooing and smiling at Dr. Love during the examination.  He stood Marcus up onto his feet and said, "oh, he's strong."  We think so, too, but don't really have anything to compare it to, so when Dr. Love said it, it reinforced our initial thoughts. 
     He said Marcus could begin teething any day now, but it could also be a few months, too.  Either way, Marcus now brings most things to his mouth and drools like a faucet.  He almost had his whole fist in his mouth the other day.  If baseball doesn't work out, maybe he can call Ripley's Believe It Or Not, and show them his amazing fist trick.  Dr. Love also said we could begin some solids, so last night (Friday) we gave him his first bowl of yummy rice cereal.  You can judge from the video and his face in the pictures if he liked it or not.  Also, note the amazing play-by-play commentary from Mark.  He might have another career in the future with broadcasting. 

PS - You should be able to leave a comment now without signing in.  You can do it anonymously and put your name in the quote or just sign in.  Your choice.  Either way, we love hearing feedback. :)


  1. Those are the prettiest little feet I've ever seen.

  2. Too cute! I love his little faces in the pictures when you are feeding him cereal! Listening to the video & laughing out loud at your guys!!! haha! Love it!
