The other big news, Marcus is working hard on getting his big ol' tummy off the ground, trying to crawl. He can rotate like the hands on the clock (like you'll see in the video below) and his reverse works great, but going forward is a bit of a challenge for him so far. He's started the "rocking" process where he goes back and forth, and has gotten up on all fours a few times, but not crawling yet (and we're ok with that). He's sitting quite well, but usually tips over sideways in an effort to reach a toy.
Finally, it's great to live in Asheville. The weather is UH-MAZE-ING right now and it's so nice outside. This evening Mark and I took Marcus on a walk down to our neighbor's home. We visited with them out on the front porch then eventually had supper there as well (although we totally didn't anticipate it). Marcus sat on the floor for most of supper, playing with stuffed animals and practicing his latest trick - spitting. He will take out or spit out his paci just so he can spit and drool everywhere. He's such a boy, because he LOVES doing it. He also loves destroying things. In the video below, you'll see him banging on the coffee table, having the best time. Right when I thought he was tired and over it, he'd start right back up. It is great to have a content baby who actually enjoys the non-toy items better than any toys we can buy him.
Here's Marcus working on crawling and moving, all while doing his best whining puppy impersonation.
Here's our little drummer boy.
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