Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mary Virginia Bolen

       One week ago today, my sweet Grandmother Bolen went on to be with Jesus in Heaven.  She lived one day shy of 91 ½ years and lived by herself up until this past December.  She was a strong woman, devoted to the Lord, and one who loved and prayed for her family constantly. 
        She left many things behind, but the thing I most treasure is her Bible.  Grandmother was a, “King James or nothing” Bible reader and even though we tried convincing her that it, too, was just another translation from the original text, she wasn’t having it.  All through her Bible she circled, highlighted, and wrote dates and/or notes.  She wrote, “memorize” in many places and as proof, when we came to visit, she would tell us to sit back and listen.  She’d tilt her head back against her rocking chair, close her eyes, and recite not just verses, but chapters in God’s Word.  She may have been old, but her mind was still sharp.
        Also in her Bible was a family tree, dating back over 12 generations, showing our direct ancestry to Pocahontas, the Indian Princess.  She had all the birth dates and death dates of her siblings, parents, and grandparents.  It was like going back in time when I looked over everything.  She had written down important dates in history in her Bible as well.  It ranged from Dale Earnhardt’s death to important trials at the time.  I loved seeing her handwriting say, “Amen” on certain verses, and I could her voice, in my head, speak it.
        Growing up, we saw Grandmother at least once a week, sometimes more, if we were lucky.  She wasn’t the stuffy, “y’all go play by yourselves” type, but the one who got down and played with us.  She took out big blankets and tacked them to the walls, then laid them over furniture to make tents for Olivia and me.  Now think about that.  How many people would let you put holes in their living room walls?  Not many.  Grandmother didn’t care though, she just crawled down on the floor and got in the tents with us. 
        She’d peel us an apple (because that’s the only way brats like me would eat it), then would fix us spaghetti and meatballs with, “juuuuuuust a speck,” of sugar in it.  She always said, “it makes it taste better.”  We’d have to drink a whole glass of milk with it and while eating, if we slumped, she was sure to make us sit up straight with a slight little smack on our backs.  We’d straighten up in a hurry and giggle at how she whacked us. 
        As we grew older, Grandmother was not only a spiritual leader, but a person whose wisdom we trusted.  Olivia and I didn’t have many boyfriends during high school and college, but the ones we did have, had to meet Grandmother.  She always found something wrong with them, that is, until she met Mark and TJ.  Grandmother wasn’t afraid to voice her opinion about ANYTHING, but when it came to Mark and TJ, she seemed to instantly love them both.  In fact, I don’t think she’s ever said a cross word to either of them. 
        I remember the day I knew I was going to marry Mark.  I had just pulled up to the Dorris household to babysit one afternoon.  My phone rang and it was her.  “Hey, young lady,” I said as usual.  “Hey Baby Girl…” her sweet voice crooned.  “I just wanted to tell you that I like that Marcus…” and she continued telling me how she’d thought about it a lot and really liked this boy.  That was the only reason she called…to tell me she liked him!  This was her stamp of approval!  So even though we didn’t get married for probably another year, I knew that day, he was the one for me since he passed, “The Grandmother Test.”  (side note – She’s also the reason we named our son Marcus because she always called Mark, Marcus, and we knew it sounded good, so that’s how we came up with the idea.  She also approved the name before Marcus arrived, if we had a boy.)
        Grandmother Bolen had 4 children, 11 grandchildren, and 25 great-grandchildren!  She had pictures of her family throughout her home and when we were there cleaning things out the other day we found BOXES more of pictures from the past.  She didn’t throw anything away, but I was thankful for that when I found some really interesting items.  She kept old medicine bottles and labeled them for each grandchild and the year he/she was born.  She then proceeded to fill it with coins from that year. 
        She was a beautiful seamstress and made quilts for all the grandchildren as well.  She sewed many of her own clothes and we found a night gown and house coat with my name on the box as we were cleaning out her closet.  You would’ve never known it was handmade since it was so well done. 
        Even though she’s only been gone a week, I miss her terribly already.  I went into her house alone on the day of her funeral and just sobbed, knowing that she wasn’t in her bedroom napping as usual or that I wouldn’t round the corner to see her watching Fox News (her favorite channel).  I have no doubts about her salvation or her love for Jesus.  Even though she could be an ornery old lady at times, her faith would shine through and after she was ugly, she’d apologize and ask for forgiveness. 
        The story doesn’t end here, thankfully.  For those of us who have faith in Jesus, we too will see her again!  Someone said something Saturday about her, “looking down on us,” and I thought, “no she’s not.”  She’s cutting cartwheels in Heaven, praising Jesus in her new body.  I look forward to the day I can walk the streets of gold with Grandmother and have her lead me to where Jesus’ throne is… just like she did when she was here on Earth.  I love you, Grandmother.

This is the day we brought Marcus to meet Grandmother.  She had just turned 91.

Here's Grandmother with her two baby girls and 25th great-grandchild.

When I asked if he was sleeping, she said, "No, he's looking at me!"

Rocking away.

Marcus was just getting started with life, Grandmother was nearing the end of hers.

Even at 91 years old, she knew how to handle a baby.

I'm sorry this is sideways, but I thought it was so cute.  I took it with my cell phone and it's the picture that would pop up any time she called me.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Grandmother's passing. Even though I only met her once, she made an impact on me with her sweetness. Though I know she'll be missed, I know you'll enjoy some dancing some time in the somewhat near future :)

  2. How blessed we were to have her as our grandmother! What a beautifully written note about Grandmother Bolen and the life she lived. I was moved to tears! (Big shocker, right??) :)

  3. We did not want to loose her, but we were really lucky to have her as long as we did. She impacted all three of our lives more than we may ever know. Sundays after church will be the hardest.

  4. Well written Leah.... Well said Olivia

  5. Good blog on Grandmother, Leah - I know she will be missed by all of you! But, she is in a better place with her Lord and Saviour!

    love, Dad & Mom Schuurman
