This past weekend was soooooooooo wonderful. On Saturday, Mark, Marcus, and I rode down to Lake Norman for Seth Denton's 30th birthday party. It was the first time that we, as a family of 3, we around other people near our age with children, close to Marcus' age. It was held at a lake home on the most perfect day so far this year. It was warm, but not too hot, there was a sweet breeze, and the sun was glistening off of the water. There were toys for the children and plenty of open arms of people who wanted to hold a baby. We had an amazing time with the Dentons and their family and other friends, ate great BBQ (you can't ever really go wrong with that meal), and just enjoyed being outside.
Then, the highlight of our weekend was EASTER SUNDAY! We got up early and went to Sunrise Service at church and let me tell you...Marcus was EXCITED about it. We kept him in his pajamas, but he didn't act sleepy. He was talking and jabbering during a lot of the service! Since it was outside and we were all standing, I could just walk towards the parking lot with him. He was wiggling and squirming all over the place, but not in an unhappy way...he was quite hyper. After the service we had an amazing Southern breakfast (including chocolate gravy...yum!) and then Marcus and I went home to change in to our Easter outfits (Mark was already dressed).
My mom had given us a tuxedo for Marcus to wear on Easter, so when I got home, that's what I reached for in his closet. The bowtie wasn't attaching like it should've since he kept chewing it, but either way, he looked adorable. When we got back to church for Sunday School Mrs. Abby wanted to have a photo shoot with Marcus in his tux. It was precious, so if I get some of the pictures she took, I'll post them on here. He didn't keep the bowtie and jacket on for long, but while it lasted, he was a stud.
We had a packed house at church and learned about the different proofs that the resurrection was real. If it wasn't, then our faith is built on nothing and therefore is nonexistent. But the great thing is
HE DIED FOR US AND HE'S ALIVE NOW! It was wonderful to relish in the beautiful truth of what our savior did for us.
After church we had lunch with our Asheville family, the Dorris'. They have five incredible children, a sweet bird dog, and Dr. Dorris' parents were in town as well. We enjoyed good ol' fried chicken, deviled eggs, and coleslaw. Does it get any better? Poor Marcus only had a bottle and then a lovely mixture of peas, carrots, and spinach, but he didn't seem to care. :)
Sunday night, all three of us went to bed early, happily exhausted after a fantastic weekend. We had good weather, good friends, and best of all, the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel was preached for many to hear. It'll be fun to teach Marcus more about the resurrection story next year, when he's able to comprehend a little bit better.
Before the party, I set up the tripod so we could have a family picture. I thought this shirt was cute until I realized it made me look pregnant when I turned to the side. Oh well, at least the colors were nice! :) |
Marcus was big enough to be at the kids table, but not stable enough to stand on his own yet. |
The other children played in the sand and water...Marcus just chewed the water gun. |
Sweetness - sitting up on his own in the grass. |
They even had little boat docks you could fish off of. |
Here are Mark's two girlfriends before me: Mrs. Denton and Holly |
Only in the South... |
While there, Seth's cousin rode on the tube behind the boat. |
This is Seth and Rebecca's son, Luke. This is his smile after conning his grandfather into opening another coke for him after Rebecca told him no. He knew what he was doing. :) |
Daddy was making him laugh. |
"You crack me up, Daddy!" |
We took these last night, so it's not as crisp as it was this morning. |
His bowtie was clipped to his vest here because he kept pulling it off when it was clipped to his shirt. |
I had to hold his bunny up so he'd look up at me and not down at his bowtie.
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